Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dream Diary: Day 23

Yadda Yadda .. so our supposedly "fancy" hotel doesn't get Internet - well, it does - for ten dollars a day - so I decided to have an electronics withdrawal. I have forgotten all of my dreams from the past few evenings, but last night I remember the dream. I have a recurring dream that I consistently forget to go to KBIA. Because of this, they choose to (understandably) let me go. But, this means that I am no longer on my parent's health insurance, but this wasn't the problem last night. The problem was that my convergence group was presenting the story we reported on to a large group for some kind of prize and the staff of KBIA didn't want me to present because I was a terrible employee/student. I spent the entire dream trying to get the position back. I don't know why I always have this dream. I then had another dream. I don't remember much. All I know is there was wine involved.


Saturday, March 27, 2010

Most common dreams in America

I was curious as to what are the most common dreams that people report. In my research, I came across an MSNBC article (5 most common dreams and what they mean). Here are their results:

Top Five:
  1. Falling
  2. Being chased
  3. Teeth falling out
  4. Spouse cheating on you
  5. Back at school
Now, I will look at these more in depth.

  • Many dream interpreters take this to mean that something in your life is going wrong and that you need to fix or change the situation soon. These are also apparently common for people who suffer from depression.
  • I don't usually have falling dreams per se, but I usually feel like that as I start to fall asleep. Then, I jerk and wake up scared.
Being chased:
  • Being chased typically means that you are avoiding something. The advice the article gives is to "Get it over with, otherwise the issue will continue to follow you."
  • I have a lot of these kind of dreams. When I was a child, these happened to me on a daily basis and I don't know that I was avoiding anything. I always dreamt that a wolf was chasing me by my house, and now I dream that people are trying to harm my family and then proceed to chase us.
Teeth falling out
  • According to dream interpreters, this is a common dream if you feel guilty about gossiping, or sharing information that you should have kept to yourself.
  • I have this dream a lot, but once again, I don't know that I agree with the interpreters. I have this dream a lot when I hit a tooth and fall asleep worrying that it will require surgery. I think I just worry too much.
Back at school
  • This dream typically means that you have an abundance or pressure at your job.
  • I cannot attest to this, since I am still in school. However, I have dreams that I miss class, am late for a meeting at KBIA, etc... on a regular basis. I think this is the perfectionist in me.
Spouse cheating on you
  • The cheating dream usually occurs when you feel that your partner is spending too much time without you. Use this as a wake up call to fix your relationship.
  • I have this dream sometimes. It usually is a variation though, and involves me finding out that RSE or another boy used me to get to my friend. Self-conscious, I guess?
The article also covers figuring out what your dreams mean. Dreams are important. You may find an answer for your waking life in your dreams. Tips from the article include:
  • Sum it up into a movie title.
  • Figure out the main conflict of the dream.
  • Compare that conflict in the dream to your real-life day before the dream.
Interesting. Something to think about.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Airplane Sleep

A pondering: Surely the airlines could find something better. There are other options, I'm aware, such as first class, but I am not wealthy (unfortunately). I have heard rumor on VH1 of airplanes that have a sleep 'pod' for you with a bed and they simulate the daylight hours of where you are going so that you don't experience jet lag. (ingenious!) O I wish. As I ponder this pondering, I am about to fly to San Francisco - via coach. Wish me luck and hope I don't get the back unreclining row.

My birthday is Sunday - so I am in San Francisco and Napa for a few days celebrating the big 2-1. I will post when I can, but it may not be regularly. Never fear - I shall return.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


I love to sleep - (It sounds especially amazing right now) - and apparently I am not alone. While perusing Facebook today, I found a page called "dormir," which means 'to sleep' in French. (Looks like my four years of French classes paid off). There are over two million fans of this page.So, I started looking around and I found that "Sleeping," another page, had almost an additional two million fans. Sleeping posts photos and comments and each one has thousands, upon thousands of comments and "likes," while Dormir has no wall posts. Despite this fact, this page, which has nothing on it - has an astounding number of fans. I found this to be interesting. Thoughts?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Dream Diary: Day 17

Strange dreams last night. I had a dream that all alarm clocks were reformatted and lied to you to get you up earlier and I was confused whether or not my clock was still in the old format or in the new one. I couldn't decide when to get up. Then I woke up - it was about 8 a.m. and I was scared to go back to sleep in case I didn't get up. I always have dreams about missing class, school, exams, etc... - I think I care too much.


I have already spoke about some sleep and dream poetry, but here are a few more classics.

  1. Edgar Allan Poe: "A Dream Within A Dream"
    O God! can I not save
    One from the pitiless wave?
    Is all that we see or seem
    But a dream within a dream?

  2. Paul Celan: "O Little Root of a Dream"
    O little root of a dream
    you hold me here
    undermined by blood,
    no longer visible to anyone,
    property of death.

    Curve a face
    that there may be speech, of earth,
    of ardor, of
    things with eyes, even
    here, where you read me blind,

    where you
    refute me,
    to the letter.

  3. Robert Louis Stevenson: "The Land of Nod"
    From Breakfast on through all the day
    At home among my friends I stay,
    But every night I go abroad
    Afar into the land of Nod.

    All by myself I have to go,
    With none to tell me what to do--
    All alone beside the streams
    And up the mountain-sides of dreams.

    The strangest things are there for me,
    Both things to eat and things to see,
    And many frightening sights abroad
    Till morning in the land of Nod.

    Try as I like to find the way,
    I never can get back by day,
    Nor can remember plain and clear
    The curious music that I hear
Enjoy your poetry-cation.

Found on

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

An attempted all-nighter

This weekend was Relay For Life. It was quite successful - there were over 1,500 participants and over $100K was raised. Many participants were able to stay up all night, but some had to get a little shut eye. Here are some photos by Matthew Hibbard:

Dream Diary: Day 16

Very, very little sleep last night. Got home from a concert in St. Louis at about 2:30 a.m. and didn't fall asleep for a long while. KBIA at 7:30. Ugh. This day is going to be a long one. I never realize how important sleep is until I don't have time for it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Snoring. (Part one of many)

I snore. I am not ashamed to admit it. Okay, I am a little. But, I can't help it, so it is someone else's problem. :) I have been known to make boat noises, snake noises, typical snoring noises, a loud breather, etc... The list goes on.

Today, I will look at the causes of snoring. I think we all know, but how about a recap.

Most typical reasons for snoring (according to the Mayo Clinic)
  • Mouth anatomy: a soft palate or enlarged tonsils increases snoring behaviors
  • Nasal problems: a crooked nasal partition or nasal blockage leads to snoring
  • Alcohol consumption: alcohol relaxes throat muscles and leads to snoring
  • Sleep apnea: a condition in which your throat tissues obstruct your airway; characterized by loud snoring and then a period of silence that can last 10 seconds or more (Very serious!)
Or a combination of any of the above.

On the next snoring blog, I will cover solutions to snoring. In the meantime, enjoy this video in which a baby sleeping next to a man gets scared due to the loud snores.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sleep. Or lack there of.

Last night was Relay For Life. That means that I have been up since about noon Saturday until about 7 a.m. Sunday morning. Caffeine is the sole reason I stayed awake last night. I am so thankful that Relay For Life is indoors this year - with my pollen allergies as severe as they are, I would be miserable outside.

Lack of sleep. Delirious. When I was researching future posts, I came across the deadly side of sleep deprivation, according to U.S. News and World Report.

"...New data about sleep’s benefits suggest that losing sleep might speed up death’s arrival. Recent research also shows that people who don’t snooze enough face a higher risk of losing their health than those who regularly get a good night’s sleep."
Uh oh. Maybe I should catch some z's.

Dream Diary: Day 14

Well, last night - scratch that - today's (went to sleep at 7 a.m.) I had very weird dreams. I went tothe future and the past. In the past I was escaping a madman chasing me, puffing in and out of scenes like a movie. I also tried to reunite two of my friends that broke up. It was a weird combination. In the future, I was shopping at a department store that was a cross between Kohl's and Macy's -I'm not quite sure. There were a lot of weird details. The man chasing me looked like Freddy Kruger mixed with an old man. Scary. And now the day is almost over. Sad news.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cute Things Falling Asleep

I have come across this site many times before but I thought I would share it. has the cutest videos. As you spend a few minutes on the site, you think "Wow. I just wasted my time watching a gerbil go to sleep." But hey, that is what procrastination is all about.

Here is my favorite video from the web site:

Friday, March 19, 2010


Sleepwalking. I have done it. I know of lot of people have once before.

Whether you are Bizkit, the sleep walking dog...

or you are talking about the movie with Charlize Theron, we have all heard of it at the very least. It can be a serious problem though. According to the Mayo Clinic, sleepwalking (somnambulism) is most common between children ages 8-12. However, it can affect anyone and can pose a serious problem. There have been cases of unusual behaviors, sometimes dangerous. These include climbing out of windows or possibly walking out into a street.

  • Stress
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Fever
  • Sleeping in unfamiliar surroundings
  • Some medications
  • Stroke
  • Migraines
  • Premenstrual period
Whoa. (a little scared now)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Dreams - Langston Hughes

Here is an amazing poem titled "Dreams," by the talented Langston Hughes.


Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow.

nap. nap. nap.

My roommate's cat: Schmoo. Napping. Sounds like a plan.
Happy Thursday napping.

Dream Diary: Day 11

No dreams last night. Lots of snoring. And allergies. And misery. I plan on taking a LOOOOOONG nap this afternoon after class.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dream Diary: Day 10

Didn't have any dreams yesterday (at least that I recalled). What I did have was three interviews - blahhhh.

Last night though, weird dreams ensued. RSE was chasing me and my future roommate around a mall like he was going to kill us. He was also wearing a poncho (!). I then thought he was trying to get AEH because he was in love with her, but that she did not return his feelings. We ran some more. Then, discovery. I found out that he was her brother and that he liked me. Also, he was a successful businessman - something online - and was the proud owner of $27 million. Interesting. No clue on the meaning. Any help?

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Is there any risk of brain damage? Well, technically speaking, the operation is brain damage.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is quite possibly my favorite movie. Director Michael Gondry seamlessly tells the story of two lovers who are, well... tired of each other. This film won an Oscar for best original screenplay and Kate Winslet was nominated for best actress. I love that despite it all, they would.. well, I won't spoil it for you, but it's magical.

I am including it here because so many fantastic scenes from this movie are shot in a bed. Joel and Clementine like to pretend to smother each other in a funny pillow scene. Also, in one of my favorite scenes, Joel wakes up in his bed on the beach in Montauk in the winter. Snow falls on the beach as the waves crash in. It is beautiful. Actually, the whole brain-wiping premise is set at his apartment on his bed.

Here is the trailer:

Absolutely beautiful.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dancing in your sleep

This is an amazing video of the song "Her Morning Elegance" by Oren Lavie. It's amazing. (Trust me on this one).

For lyrics, click here.

  • Co-directors of animation: Yuval and Merav Nathan (go to for more information)
  • Actress: Shir Shomron
  • Photographer: Eyal Landesman
Fun Facts:
  • The video was shot all stills in Eyal’s studio in Tel-Aviv.
  • The video is composed entirely of about 3225 still photos; All photos were shot with a single camera hanging from the ceiling.
  • Before shooting started, it took about 4 weeks to create a storyboard
  • It only took two days of shooting
  • Some of the sheets are from Oren's bedroom.
From Oren Lavie's MySpace Blog

Dream Diary: Day 8

No time for dreams last night. I had a midterm today and therefore got about five hours of sleep. I know I had a dream about the mafia coming after me, but when I woke up I didn't take time to analyze it because I was too busy frantically trying to cram.

I'll take a nap later: weird sleep-deprived dreams are bound to ensue...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Dream Diary: Day 7

So.. I don't remember my dreams last night, but I did have an interesting experience. I woke up at ten to go to the restroom and thought, eh, I still have a lot of time to study, so I went back to bed. Woke up at one and realized OH CRAP, it is daylight savings time and I lost an hour. It was actually two. BAHHH. So, it is a day full of frantic studying. I need that long lost hour back!

journalism geek + pillows = awesome

(1) journalist and therefore a social media geek
(2) a love of sleep, naps and the like
Awesome social media pillows!
Found on Craftsquatch's etsy page.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dream Diary: Day 6


O the dreams I had last night. First, my red Sunfire was suddenly a red Beetle (I was really stoked). Then, as I was driving around, I realized that it was a convertible (double awesome). I drove up to campus and arrived at a form of Peace Park only this park went on for as far as the eye could see. I couldn't find a parking spot and I really needed to study for an exam so I parked randomly and just folded up my car - It was magically inflatable.

So, I carried around my car and my books in my arms trying to find a place to sit and read and review. The first bench I sat at was too big, I couldn't reach - I felt like Goldilocks. I eventually found a table and I studied. Then, RSE and I went to the mall. He was not a happy camper. We went to the jewelry counter and I picked up a greeting card to send to my mother. The cashier took about an hour to check me out. I was infuriated. I was searching for RSE when I woke up.

Daydream believer.

I came across a great project called "The Daydreamers Project." This was created by Alexandra Sandu in September of last year in Bucharest. The subjects were asked to close their eyes and think of something beautiful. The project is still in development. The goal is 1,000 daydreamers; she is still looking for 289 participants.

Check it out. They will make you smile. I guarantee it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday nap.

Rainy Friday afternoons were meant for his sort of thing.

Sleep on campus. Yes please.

Although today is gray and cloudy....

As a college student, I am sleep deprived, so anytime that I can take a quick nap (siesta snooze), I will. As a junior, I have perfected when and where to nap on campus.

My favorites, in no particular order:
1. The quad.
Simply perfect for napping - big trees, lush grass, birds chirping. Perfection. I am always over by the j-school and I find that the tree behind the Journalism library is quite lovely for napping.

2. The stairs by plaza.
Right after a large meal at Plaza 900 (I miss these), I used to always curl up on the concrete steps. On a nice day, when the sun warms the stairs, it it quite possibly heaven.

3. Upstairs memorial
Well, anywhere in Memorial Union really is absolutely perfect for sleep.

4. The library
Ellis. Enough said. Quiet room. (Just don't snore).

Dream Diary: Day 5

Last night I had a very peculiar dream. It is slipping away faster and faster so I should probably repeat it now. I don't remember a whole lot but I was in front of an audience in a huge lecture h all on campus. I was performing great stunts with fire, etc... Then, after my act, I really needed to get some homework done. I had to read an old, old book that was rare and expensive. It accidentally caught on fire. I was freaking out when I woke up. Weird. And slightly reminscient of Alice in Wonderland.

I think that means I better to get studying!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sleep Songs

I was perusing the Internet for some blog ideas and I thought about songs that mention sleep. I came across a great article from Associated Content, by Doug Poe. His recommendations don't necessarily gel with mine but I do like The Romantics "Talking in Your Sleep." So 80s. So wonderful.

A sampling of the lyrics:
When you close your eyes and go to sleep
And it's down to the sound of a heartbeat
I can hear the things that you're dreaming about
When you open up your heart and the truth comes out
I hear the secrets that you keep
When you're talking in your sleep

My sleep/bed/dream/nap song recommendations are:
**links are two YouTube videos of the songs
(1) Your New Twin Sized Bed - Death Cab For Cutie
(2) Dream On - Aerosmith
(3) Trouble Sleeping - The Perishers
(4) Oversleeping - I'm From Barcelona
(5) Sleep - Dandy Warhols
(6) No Sleep 2Nite - Molly McQueen
(8) You Make My Dreams - Hall & Oates
(9) Sleeping In - The Postal Service
(10) I Sing I Swim - Seabear

Musical Education 2200 with Prof. Elston complete.

So cute it'll make you vom.

I was checking my daily blogs and on LeLoveImage, I came across the cutest thing ever. Two people lying in bed whispering sweet nothings. O, the romance.

Ch-ch-check it out!

Images found on weheartit/tumblr

Dream Diary: Day 4

Last night, I had terrible allergies and did not sleep very well, thus I don't really remember my dreams. I know they were good ones though because I didn't want to wake up. I finally woke up after three alarms of my own and two of RSE only to realize its Thursday - not Friday. Weekend, please get here.

Since I cannot remember my own, I will tell you one that I used to dream of a lot as a child. Behind my house at my parent's house there is a little patch of woods. I used to dream that there was a wolf that would come out and chase me underneath my deck. I would hide in the shed there and wait and wait, but he wouldn't leave.

Analysis: According to Dream Moods, a wolf symbolizes "survival, beauty, solitude, mystery, self-confidence and pride. You are able to keep your composure in a variety of social circumstances and blend into any situation with ease and grace. You are also a loner by choice. Negatively, the wolf represents hostility, aggression, or sneakiness. It may reflect an uncontrollable force or situation in your life." Well, I don't know about the uncontrollable and worrisome situation - I was about five, but the lone wolf makes me laugh. I am reminded of Zach Galifianakis in The Hangover.

You guys might not know this, but I consider myself a bit of a loner. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack. But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. And my wolf pack... it grew by one. So there... there were two of us in the wolf pack... I was alone first in the pack, and then Doug joined in later. And six months ago, when Doug introduced me to you guys, I thought, "Wait a second, could it be?" And now I know for sure, I just added two more guys to my wolf pack. Four of us wolves, running around the desert together, in Las Vegas, looking for strippers and cocaine. So tonight, I make a toast!

I will leave you on that note. :)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

When I Was Little...

When I was little I dreamed of becoming an astronaut. I know this is not sleep or 'dream' dream related... but it is my dream. Plus, when I go to sleep at night, I often think of stars and galaxies.

Here are two examples of amazing space video.
(1) IMAX Hubble 3D Trailer. AHmazing. Must see.

(sorry this is the smallest it gets.)

(2) "The Known Universe" created by the American Museum of Natural History.

Enjoy! Tip: Watch fullscreen

(If only I were good at math.. no more journalism for me.)

Dream Diary: Day 3

Last night I had a strange dream - it was a befuddlement (word?) of all the things floating in my head after (a) a long day, (b) watching Gangs of New York and (c) weirdness.

I started off dreaming about cutting my own hair - it was a disaster. I was just trying to fix this very tiny piece and ended up hacking away. Then, it transitioned into going on a date with RSE, and then somehow I was with my family. All of the girls on my mother's side of the family were having a game and snack night. It was nice to see everyone until they had me hold a new baby and all of a sudden the room started filling up with water and I was so scared for the baby - not myself.

Analysis: Well, with the amalgam of things going on in my mind I don't know if it can ever be analyzed, but I will do my best. I was once holding my niece and a giant wave on the beach came out of no where and we went under and I think she is slightly traumatized so I think it is my guilt for that. Also, I think the extreme stress that I am under right now is reflected in this dream. I have midterms, paper, personal commitments, Relay For Life activities, a video to make for KBIA (local NPR station), MyMissourian and CoMoYouKnow posts... etc.. when does the list end.

Stressed? Tell me about your biggest stress on your plate right now.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dream Diary: Day 2

Last night, I had a strange dream, but I don't really remember it. I woke up quite frightened and confused. My alarm went off at 5:45 for a Lions Club Meeting and the song was playing in my dream. I was at Relay for Life (I am on the Steering Committee) and things were going very wrong. My ringtone was playing and I was half-awake and realized something was wrong and I jumped up and got ready. Almost late. Not as exciting as AEH's war dreams, but I promise - I have some weird ones.

Share your weird dreams!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Dream Diary: Day 1

So that you will better know me and to have a little fun, I am going to post my dreams (that I remember) and create a sort of dream diary. Since I do not remember mine, I am going to post my roommate's dreams:

Lately, I have been having a bunch of war dreams. In the first one, I was fighting in combat and I had a gun and everything because I was a soldier and I got shot in the side. It was scary, but I survived and I got the purple heart, but for some reason they would only let me do office work from then on. In the next dream, I was in the CIA posted in Afghanistan. I was on a mission, but for some reasons my friends came and they got caught. I was really pissed because I was on a secret mission. I had to go find them, and I did and for some reason they were in an apartment building that was missing one of the walls. The terrorists were also really nice to me.

Using Dream Mood's Dream Dictionary, I will attempt to analyze. Being shot symbolizes self-inflicted punishment and war symbolizes chaos in your life. According to Dream Mood, seeing friends means that parts of yourself that you have rejected are now ready to be incorporated. I don't know about all this. I have had some CRAZY dreams. My advice? Don't watch any war/secret mission CIA movies before bed AEH.

Do you have any interesting dreams? Tell me about them.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Everyone loves babies.

Babies are universally loved, so I figured, hey, why not start out my blog with some pictures of babies? Not just any babies - some of my friends from high school recently became mothers so I decided to post some photos of their s new children sleeping.

Kristopher Ryan Barker
Braylon Scott McKinnie
Aiden Scott Roscoe